Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tooooo Long

Yes, its been too long since I've posted. I just looked at the last post and it was about words E was saying back in Sept of 2011! Ha! If you could hear him now! Sometimes I have to ask him to stop talking over Al and I while we are  having (attempting) a conversation. He now knows words like: episode, iPad, grumpy, picture, etc, etc, etc you get the idea! ;)
Anyway, I must confess what has brought me back to Blogger, for now, is the almighty promise of a coupon or discount (and you thought my intentions were pure....) from Shutterfly. I created my second son's first year photo book on shutterfly and after placing the order there was a message that if I embeded a link to my project into my blog and then e-mailed them the link, I would get $10 off my next order! Sounds good to me, plus it will catch you up on some photos of my little guy (if you don't have me as a friend on Facebook already). So here goes, hope you can see, and enjoy it!

Click here to view this photo book larger
Create a gorgeous, high quality wedding photo album at

Friday, September 16, 2011

Es words

E has been surprising me with the words he is using and remembering these days so I figured I better mark them down somewhere before I forget them and what better place than to "brag" on the blog, hahaha.....

First the word he is using, then what it sounds like coming out of him......

Outside= ah-sigh
Banana= nana
Yogurt= kokur
Daddy= Dadee!
truck= kuc
meow= wow
woof= woof
shoes- sheh
socks- sah
please= cees
ball= bah

Monday, November 8, 2010

6 Months Today!

Our little guy is 6 months old today! Its funny because as I look at my last blog (and how long ago it was!) I saw that I thought Everett might be teething. Well, I didn't see any teeth come out, but this morning the first one has really started to emerge! I'll have to have Al double check so I don't keep crying wolf but I really think its finally here.
I can't tell you how fun being Everett's parents has been for Al and I. I think we were blown away by how much joy we receive by being his parents. It has really held true for us the saying that all the sacrifice is worth it and more. Over the past 6 months of getting to know him, we've realized not only is he a "good" baby, not a complainer, sweet, and patient. But he seems to be the analytical type, really searching and study new objects, animals, people before he is comfortable with them. He knows how to have fun too though. Recently he has brought the giggles and laughter, and his most recent game is peek-a-boo. He'll cover his head with a blanket, and when I ask "Where's Everett?" He'll peek out the top and when I say "Oh there you are!" He giggles. Check out the video at the end.
I saw a friend do this on her blog for her daughters 6 month B-day and since I enjoyed hers so much I thought I'd try the same.


1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months
Some others just for fun!

Wearing the sweater Grammy knit!

Hanging with Dad after a run:

Hammin' it up with Halmony:
Being the center of attention with Aunt Cindy and cousins:

My first blog video? Can it be? Here he is showing a side most don't get to see:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Teething Bites and Rolly Polly

With all the drool and hints of more crankiness I think our poor Honey is cutting his first teeth. This past week Everett has been drooling much more than usual, he's even been choking on it sometimes because he isn't used to it either. He also has been trying to stuff anything into his mouth possible, which has proven pretty difficult since he is just now grabbing for things and figuring out how to hold on and pull things to his mouth. Last night he screamed "bloody murder" when we put him down for what is typically his longest sleep. Today when he was a-typically screeching I was able to take a few quick peeks into his mouth and found two tiny little white bumps emerging on both sides in the middle of his bottom gums. I look online about teething symptoms in infants and sure enough that is where the first teeth typically emerge. I tried using my finger to massage his gums and give him counter pressure. It worked while I was doing it but then when I stopped he cried more than before I had massaged them. I think it made him concentrate on the pain more, or having the absence of the pain for a while made it seem worse when it came back. Anyway, I don't know how long it takes for teeth to grow and him to no longer be teething, but I hope he continues to handle the pain. He is definitely not a complainer, so I know he must be experiencing some pain to be the slightest bit fussier than usual.

Another milestone has passed as well. Everett can roll from his tummy to his back! Al has the best video of this so hopefully I can coax him into letting me post it.

Until then, here are a few recent pics of our big boy:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oh Boy!

Yes, yes I know. I've failed greatly in the blogging world. How could I? Seriously, Everyone already knows by now who would possibly be remotely interested in reading this blog, that my husband Al and I have been blessed with the birth of our first child, Everett Yung-Su Un!

He has been a total joy in our lives, and sometimes Al and I wonder why we didn't have a baby sooner. We also already have hopes to someday add another to our family. I think we have been surprised at how much we love being parents and how much joy Everett can bring us. God is so good. Well I know it will be impossible to catch up on the past 11 weeks in one post. But I will just hit a very few highlights that Everett has encountered so far in his 11 weeks here in our family.

First was a visit from Grammy and Grandpa Gross. They actually showed up right on time, the very day I went into labor which was a day before Everett was born. Unfortunately the only picture I have of both of them in the same picture with Everett is this one. I blame the sleepless nights for not making sure I had a better one before they left after 3 weeks!
I couldn't have asked for a better more relaxed first 3 weeks. My mother was her typical self-less worker bee self (even while dealing with her own very painful back troubles), which left me only to love, feed, and love my new sweet baby.
Next we had a visit from Halmoni and Hapa (Al's parents). We had a great time sharing our joy with them. They taught us some great stretches to help Everett feel good, and we recorded the infamous San Tokie song sung by Halmoni, so as to be able to sing it to him ourselves once they left. I need to practice this more:

It was sad and a little scary when Halmoni and Hapa left because then it meant we were on our own! But because we have such wonderful friends, we still felt supported. Barbara Kelly was kind enough to recruit some fellow church families to bring us dinners for the next couple weeks. So again I didn't have to go grocery shopping or wonder what to make for dinner. I have to tell you, it made me realize how much time that part of your life can consume, and it helped to make Everett's first two months with a relaxed mommy, something he probably will have a much harder time coming by since I tend to be a worry-wart.

At Everett's 1 month birthday, he went to his first MLB game, it was the Nats, thanks to daddies perks at his company, we scored some tickets and went with our neighbors.

We had a wonderful 4th of July with my sister and her family. They brought enough food to feed a small army (so we could freeze meals and save them). Her kids stayed the night at our place and had a ball with sparklers and sleeping in their cousins nursery. (Mom, I'll have to send you the pics I got through e-mail, due to the "privacy agreement", wink-wink).

Next on milestone events Everett has already experienced was his first plane ride! July 22nd we flew down to New Orleans to clean up an empty rental condo, visit with our friends, and help out the struggling economy trying to recover with the oil spill. Everett was a trooper, and slept well in a new place.
Here he is, sleeping like, well, a baby, on his first plane ride:
Here we are at the Creole Creamery (of the Food Network fame) after mommy tried beet, beer, and chocolate ginger flavored ice creams, among others. I may have to do a whole separate post of that little visit, and I'm wearing one of my support the area purchases, the pelican tee):

And finally since Mommy was so excited to see any kind of pro football, a picture of Everett watching his first NFL game ( albeit, pre-season and the stinkin Cowboys, but what can you do, when you are desperate). Here he is sitting with our friend David, a complete Texan and Cowboys fan:
Since my laptop battery is about to go dead, and I'm sitting outside the closed library and Everett appears to be slowing waking up (and therefore hungry very soon) I suppose I should sing off now. I do have to say it feels good to get some of this stuff finally recorded in cyberspace, even if it is pathetically late and far from all-encompassing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jared and Christin's Wedding

This past weekend Al and I flew into Pensecola for a friends wedding. It will most likely be our last trip before baby Un arrives. We also drove down to our New Orleans condo which is about go vacant, it still looks in great shape and is fully furnished, so if you know anyone looking for a place to rent (or buy for that matter) in the lower garden district give us a ring! We drove back to Destin from New Orleans with Lee and Jennifer and shared a motel room with them, it was great to have another couple we knew there to hang out with.
The wedding was in Destin, Fl on the beach. Friday and Saturday were quite wet and windy. The wedding was on Saturday, but I think their professional pictures will be beautiful because the ocean was so churned up, and there was a romantic haze. My photo skills aren't good enough to capture the real beauty. Christin was gorgeous! Her dress was the perfect combination of wedding elegant and beach feel.

One suprise we had was that Al turned out to be the Best Man! Ooops. Somehow he wasn't prepared. But a quick trip to Banana Republic for an outfit update and he was ready to roll. Its always great to have a beach linen outfit anyway.

Here is Lee, Jerdy and Al just before the wedding:

Jen (Lee's Wife) and me.We stayed most of Sunday too. Which turned out to be a wonderful weather day. We headed to Pensacola beach with Lee and Jen for a great lunch on the beach and then a good couple of hours relaxing on the rented beach chairs before heading to the airport.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Yeah, its been a while since I last blogged. There has been a lot going on, but with camera issues, and my computer acting like a slug, and then Al helping by restoring an old version of my software, well you get the idea.....
I guess I should start with the Un family reunion since its been the longest since that event. If you have a facebook account you can see some more of the pictures on my page. I can say it was a great time! We all stayed in these nice time share condos that Bora's parents provided for us in Florida.
It was nice to spend some time chatting with some of the ladies, Grace, Unsin, Christina and I all stayed up one night chatting away about birth stories,etc. It was great to have them told to me, and hear all their greatly different stories. The whole family also surprised us with this INCREDIBLE baby shower. It was "the works" (games, great food, gifts, smiles, family).

Our baby pics, and a pic of a tiger with a baby tiger in its mouth since our baby will be born in the year of the tiger and so was Al:

The awesome quilt soon-to-be Aunt Christina made for Yung Su:

It was also a celebration of Don and Joonie's parents 60 b-day. We celebrated at a great Chinese restaurant, and then we also did this all you can eat seafood buffet one night, including lobster! And of course there was the general horsing around that always happens.
Brothers will always be brothers:
Al trying to pass on his talent of stunting to the next generation:

The next most recent even to catch up on was the wonderful baby shower my sister hosted for me! It was wonderful to see some old college friends and family who live near-by but we never get together enough! And of course my IBC friends who are such a great support to Al and I, we love being at Immanuel because of the other couples we've made friends with.

Talk about a great mix of ladies:
Melissa, My aunt Phyllis, Laura and Amy!

My sister's girls were my present helpers, they were so excited to see what the baby got, they even helped me open some of the gifts!

The great blankie my Aunt Maureen made and sent for the shower even though she is all the way in Florida right now!

Reading the little bunny card that came with Laura's present. I believe it was a Korean card, soo cute. I have to learn the San Tokie song soon!
Next up our BABYMOON! Al and I decided we would take one last trip for just us. We went to Annapolis since I've only been once or twice and Al had never been. We really enjoyed it, even though it meant being away for Easter weekend.
We stayed at one of the Historic Inns of Annapolis called the Governor Calvert House.
It felt very home-y, and was in the best location in the old town to be able to walk where ever we wanted to go, which was great to get the exercise.

The view from our window was close to this, I think it was the Capital building???
and a daytime pic of the same building:
The Inn where we stayed had this awesome glass floor that showed off some of the original structure that was used to heat a greenhouse that was once a part of the building when the original owners were there.

Of course, food is always a big focus of most trips Al and I take, or of our lives really. My friend Amy suggested this tourist trap diner, there was constantly a line outside, but somehow it still felt like you were a local when eating here, good pick Amy, if only for the experience!

We had a lunch at a hotel that had really nice interior, I loved this centerpiece:
Probably my favorite meal was at Pusser's! I had to go with the crabcakes having crossed the border into Maryland, and I have to say they did not dissappoint! Not only were the crabcakes superb, so were the crisp green beans, and awesome blackbeans with rice! It was heavenly!
I'll let Al tell you about the mixed drink called the PAINKILLER that he experienced there. I couldn't say, I'll have to wait for a day when I'm not carrying our baby to have that experience.

Since it was Easter Sunday on the day we left we decided to attend St. Annes church since it was within walking distance. It was a great service. They played part of the Messiah and their horns were so beautiful I cried!!!
Being the dog lovers we are we missed our little Lulu, but thankfully there were a ton of dogs to keep us tied over til we got home to our licking machine.
This bulldog was a ranked and enlisted pup at the Naval Academy, with a title neither Al or I can remember.
Here is a pic of me outside the academy
This was just a cute boat dog:
And finally a picture of my sweet hubby with some sweet flowers outside the local flower shop. I thought it very Al-like that he packed only dress pants and Keens for shoes. Only Al could pull off a style combo like that without self-consciousness:

Lastly, I am including our "March" belly shots, even though I think they were taken the first or second week of April. Maybe I should figure out a way to add these on to the original blog and then just put links in following blogs so the comparison is easier to see.
The baby seems to be getting very strong, he is kicking and stretching up a storm, moving my belly in ways I didn't expect he would be able to do. It makes me happy to feel that he is strong, except when he hits the right spot and I worry I'll wet my pants. ;)
Al and I are hoping to pack a hospital bag for us and baby this weekend and maybe even try to install the car seat. I know its really early considering our June 4th due date, but anything we can do to prepare ahead of time is another thing off my mind.

Okay I guess that covers it for now. If you made it all the way to the end of this posting I commend you! Hopefully I will be better about it in the future, but as mentioned in the very first posting, no guarantees!!